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Change of Plans

Well, not everything can go according to plan I suppose. We want to make good choices, but sometimes things don't work out and maybe that's the best answer.

We went to sign a lease on a new place this morning. Remember that long-term apartment hunt in Winston-Salem, due to the current apartment, which has a hint of smoke in the air? Rent is also going up so we wanted change. Our lease is up on the 30th and we have more than half of the apartment packed up, the Uhaul set, etc... WELL, we're watching a BBC TV series starring Mr Darcy instead.

We took a risk when we found out they still haven't rented our apartment out. We're hoping to negotiate another month here in the morning. Unfortunately, sucking up the current issues, but it's best trust us. I hope to give you more details later. I just love the chaos of life.

so on to ramblings about Lexi . . .

Our one month old (I'll try & take pictures tomorrow) is not handling the afternoons as nicely anymore. She wakes up really fussy & I've read where babies are more fussy in the afternoons/evenings, but you also wonder if something else is going on. However, I'm assuming it's a newborn thing since she's fairly good at night & in the mornings. I just hate to see my sweet girl unhappy. Maybe she's tired of this place too. I fed her twice when she was rooting just to be thrown up on both times. So I didn't try burping her the third time and she passed out in my arms. Guilty mother, but she seems happier. I wish we had a one month check up and not a two month check up. Mothers, let me know if I should be concerned. I'm not sure if there is anything regarding reflux I can cure. She still chokes when she eats most times. And today was a cluster feed kind of day. 

Any way, she'll get there. We're progressing. I love her. But I must admit, I'm excited I kept her alive for a month. 18 years can't be so bad. We can do this . . .

These are some of our favorite things about Alexis:
when she smiles. we can't wait until she can laugh. I think it must be the favorite of every parent.
when she makes her goat sounds as she wakes up. 
the way she stretches her little arms and curls up her little/long legs. 
kissing those cute little cheeks.
when she falls asleep in your arms.
how strong those legs & that little neck is.


  1. Stephen had reflux. When he was a tiny one I started skipping the burping. Because if he fell asleep nursing he would keep that meal down. If I woke him up to burp he'd throw up. I think it was a great decision. I would still burp him if he was awake at the end of a feeding, but if he fell asleep I didn't.

    Everything you have told us in your blog is totally normal. TOTALLY NORMAL. She sounds perfect.

  2. And on another note, around 8 weeks your milk will start to change too. So plan on that being a hard time. Your milk will stop producing a type of laxative that was helping her new digestive system. So she will be especially fussy about that time. Every single mother (including myself, even though I knew full well about this) will think something is wrong. For example, that they have an allergy to your milk or something you're eating is making it hard on them. Ask Sara Smith. I warned her about this milk change and she experienced exactly that! She even said that after she knew she still thought something was wrong! It should only last a short time though. As soon as her system figures it out. Oh the joys of being mom. :)

  3. Madison has pretty severe reflux. 2e had to keep going into the dr. For weight checks, when I finally figured out that it might be reflux, the dr. Wasnt overly convinced m. Had reflux and that I could try medication (baby zantac essentially). The medication doesnt have any side effects, but you have to give it on an empty stomache and wait a half an hour after administering the medication to have it be effective. Hard to time with infants! M. Started throwing up (a lot) around a week old, but it wasnt all the time. The major red flag to me was when she would nurse she would drink and just cry and drink and cry over and over again. If I didnt burp m. She wouldnt sleep as long. We used the pacifier a lot, so M. Usually didnt throw up during burping, just a normal amount of spit up. They say smaller, more frequent meals with gerds babies. Good luck!


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