I'm absolutely drained from any deep thought. So I guess that means I'm not going to labor anytime soon. #soverytired. But in other news, my car seat comes in 1.5 days. I didn't think I'd ever be excited for a car seat purchase. But I am. hello mommy club with spit up & spilled snacks.
I feel fine. Eric told me of someone at work who is now 8 weeks along & is having that spitting issue. I then realized how lucky I am. As trivial as it seems, I do not want to go back to the spitting days. The nausea days. Those nasty taste in your mouth days where you want to fall asleep & never wake up.
So, the third trimester aint so bad. It's mostly just full of anxiety. And honestly that didn't come until week 35. I have a lot of friends who are making "round two" & I'm just baffled because round one almost seems impossible these days. But any who, here's to pre-week 37
anxiety. not a lot of patience. waiting. bag packing. Mr Smith cuddles. the snooze button.
slow feet. heavy feet. sore ribs. painful ribs. moving ligaments. sore muscles - in certain areas only.
stretch marks (yes, yes I know). constant snacks. indigestion. no more eating before bed. heart burn.
what-clothes-fit-me-these-days syndrome. oh it's lovely. get pregnant. it's awesome.
Families are divine. I am so grateful for mine.
let's toast with chocolate milk.
Which reminds me the current craving: chocolate
(I really don't crave. I just eat whatever is there. unless you count sugar & carbs as a craving. I'm just too lazy to think about cooking let alone cooking these days) #isthisjustaphase
these pictures taunt me. #hatersgonnahate #byebyestomach #wasialittletan?
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