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Put a pink bow on humpty dumpty

I know, this goes against everything I believe in, i.e. pink and not gender neutral, but it's just how it worked out, okay? The paint color I selected at Lowes was "Red Mango" - it was slightly deceiving. Although I was going for this color, I got a slight pink/orange color. However, I still like all colors in general. Every now and then you need bold statements to spice up the brown that is found everywhere we are. And it works for the girl/banana inside of me. I may not wear pink, but it now exists in our home. See craigslist dresser below and thrift store storage cabinet in the living room. Both of which were different shades of, you guessed it, brown. (The inside of the cabinet is still brown) I'm thinking of using what's leftover for some wall art. Like her initial on wood/canvas or a cute quote to hang on the wall. I am also in the market for a cute lamp to go on that dresser  . . . 

I know Mr Smith, I know. BUT I've decided to ignore the drapery for now due to the fact that your bike covers half and it would just look weird. So now, I get a lamp.

The preparation phase . . . Although Mr Smith got sassy a few times, he has not chopped down the furniture pieces for kindling. He fixed up the furniture in a few places and "governed" my painting technique. I've never painted furniture before. Mr Smith loved to watch and I hated it. But alas, we made it through and if it wasn't for him, I'm sure the carpet would be pink as well. 

The only thing that I might consider later down the road (once it's too late) is to have some type of slightly glossy, protective layer on the tops of the two pieces, esp the white one. 

And cheers to 20 weeks!

I don't get offended easily, but I'll tell you what kinda irked me today. My doctor told me I need to watch my weight. Apparently I've gained 2-3 lbs more than expected. And now I should only be gaining 3 lbs a month. "You must have had a good Thanksgiving" - I did thank you. "Just be careful for Christmas" - I wanted to kill her. I'm pretty sure it was my boots and the stupid nurse who took my weight. Do they not measure your belly anymore? Any way, sigh. I guess there is a first time for everything. I really should be walking more and eating less sugars . . . but all I wanted was Krispie Kreme on the way back to work. (I didn't stop)

And here is the only spot of Christmas in our house. Isn't this sad? I want more. I live with scrooge though. A typical banter of ours is me wanting more, him wanting less. I AM getting a wreath to change out the 4th of July one still on the door though . . .

And that's my life.


  1. I am speechless in regards to your doctor's comment. What the junk?

  2. I think it is ridiculous that you can't put up Christmas decorations. I would just ignore him and do it anyways.

    1. Ha ha. Don't worry, if it's important to me it'll be there. The truth is we don't have any decorations, and I'm just too cheap to get anything for our small apt. A small pre-lit tree would be nice though!

  3. We are still cheap, but every year after christmas we buy decorations. This is how I justify spending money and purchasing things that arent necessities.... Too bad everything is picked over in Houston! Everything is alreary "sold out" here! Could we have less people please! Anyway, decorations make it feel like Christmas to me, but we still dont have a tree :(.... Greg will only spend fifteen dollars on a tree so last year we bought a tree five days before Christmas at Home Depot, it was a charlie brown christmas tree, but it lasted all January! This year I hope to make stockings so we dont have our ghetto stockings anymore! Slow upgrades, or downgrades (everything is wood or plasticfor maddie!

    1. Haha do we have similar situations? yes. I tried making stockings and gave up quickly. I should have cared more, but I was loosing the battle.


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