The sinuses are beginning to rupture again. This cannot happen. I do not want to be in bed without energy on my Christmas break! Sigh. Woe is me.
I also never heard how painful these kicks can get. I know, I know . . . I don't know pain yet. But she is seriously making me uncomfortable with her karate! I'm glad REALLY happy to know she's alive, but I really don't think it's a necessary reminder every second. If today was a sneak peak into the next 4 months, joy is me. "Oh she's kicking" always sounded so cute. CUTE. mmhm.
Any way. I ate my orange and now I'm hitting the sack. At least I'm hoping I knock myself out.
Mr Smith and I, well, more like Mrs Smith (me) stressed herself out and is probably making herself sick by finding grief and making something stressful. Expectations. They're stupid. Mr Smith half pities my woes. He tried to come home on time like he said he would so we could go to the store. So I end up trying to get there alone before it closes and I can't find the store. Woe Woe Woe. So we go to Walmart for milk and canned soup to add to the food storage so that Mr Smith sleeps a little easier at night.
PPS - the smell in the apartment may be linked to wiring in our water heater. They said they fixed it. But that smell still lurks when you initially walk in. It's a fire hazard. We'll pray extra hard for safety tonight.
The kicking will start to subside some as baby grows and there is not as much room to wiggle around :) But those feet in your ribs will always be painful. All the way to the end... :)