Christmas 2012
It's raining it's pouring, so I feel like I've stayed in the same outfit for the last three days.
Well, I did change for Christmas dinner. It was just us two this year. And I'm afraid,
it will never be just us two ever again. Next year will be better of course.
Although a party for two is just lovely.
Christmas eve was soup and rolls. I think that's a nice tradition. I also love traditions surrounding food.
Breakfast was "cinnamon sugar" with french toast & and these scone biscuits . . .
The french toast was a keeper. It's one of my favorites. But eastern scones are less exciting.
Maybe next year I'll try the breakfast casserole that's so popular in many homes.
So I attempted a second stocking because the first was so pathetic. I added lining. And cared a little more about how I sewed up the top. I think it's a keeper! But unfortunately, I am not making another.
so Mr Smith can have his childhood stocking forever. We'll buy knit ones for the children.
This pillow was a big mistake. I'll have to correct it at some point, but for now if you look from afar, it'll do. The fabric wasn't long enough so I had to pin it. The "no sew" style and I still failed, bwhaha. This is why I still try to get thrift store pillows that are just fine without my refurbishing. $2!
And of course, the scented pincones made it back in time for Christmas. Well, the ones I hid under the sink. It's too cold to get the ones out of my car. Yes, this is my current "I'm on vacation" life.
From our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson:
"In this marvelous dispensation of the fulness of times, our opportunities to love and give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. Today there are hearts to gladden, kind words to say, deeds to be done, and souls to be saved."
Tis the Season!
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