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Baby Bag

Just because I have some spare time . . . I'm looking up baby product lists and just getting an idea of what is out there. I always had the hardest time with baby gift ideas, and I feel like it definitely shouldn't be that hard. There are so many little things that are nice to have. Well, in my imagination any way. 
I don't have a real, out of the womb child yet, but making a registry mostly for me is fun. I've created a one at a couple stores to start thinking about things I'd like, price comparison, etc...

The following are not little things. I want to decide on a baby bag. I never thought I'd care about Vera Bradley, but since I've somehow collected a few things over the past years I went to them out of curiousity. It really is hard to beat their quality and reliability. However, their baby bag doesn't allow for a crossover strap and their messenger bags don't have the sale or retired fabric prints. So, I'm moving on

I'm down to three:

1. Satchel, from Babymel priced at $78. It's by far the cutest, but I'm not sure how practical it is when it comes to shoulder padding and pocket design. It's really hard for me to think of purchasing things not on sale too. And $78 for a bag also frightens my wallet and Mr Smith. Although Mr Smith just told me to buy it. 

2. Mode Diaper Bag by JJ Cole priced at $60. It's cute and gray, attaches to stroller, & has padded shoulder strap. This one looks the most diaper bag-ish out of the three, but more practical?

3. Satchel Canvas Bag also by JJ Cole priced at $70. It does come with a shoulder strap. Kinda big when I saw it in real life, but I like the look and I'll probably need the space. Is this the best of both worlds? I'm pretty sure I could get at least 20% off at babiesrus between now and April.

Let me know what you think. I'm sure I could just carry around a big $20 tote from Target and be just fine. I'm not sure how long lasting or durable I need it to be.  I honestly think the shoulder strap and the general look is the deal breaker, but the bottle inserts & wipeable insides are great features.


  1. Go with a wide base, mine is just a make shift old school side strap book bag, but it always falls over and spills everything out! I would get one that makes you feel young, the longer I am a mother the more worn out and old I feel, a nice purse does wonders for a girl's selfesteem!!


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