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Losing Time

So that's it. It has come to an ultimate low. I watched an episode of 90210.  Well folks, it turns out I have 3 weeks left of vacation before I head back to the grind.* Hopefully I can actually enjoy these 3 weeks since the job hunt is over, but it's off to a horrible start if 90210 is on the radar. I just hope there aren't actual seasons of that show. Please, for my faith in mankind, don't tell me there are more. You'd think as you get older that petty love triangles, teenage drama, and pop songs would wear. It's worn, but I still waller in it sometimes. Good word. I don't think I'll relate to my teenage children. I'll just call it now, but I'll want to know everything.

I've been thinking a lot about my college days recently. Now that I see on Facebook how everyone is going their own way. It's so interesting to see kids popping up and people moving all over the place. I don't know how the "wise in years" do it. I'd never want to hear someone classify me as elderly, so I won't do it. But seriously, it's so weird to think about how real those memories are, but to also realize how far you've come. It wasn't that long ago and we change so much, yet not at all. IT'S SO WEIRD.

Go back to my single days? Um, no thanks. However, to those who are still on that path, there is something to be missed of the unknown and excitement. I think paving your own path and enjoying independence is a blessed gift.  And honey, don't go thinking I'm not excited anymore.  It's just different. You have to be different and see life differently. Sometimes, you have to make your own surprises and excitement: the energy that kids try to eliminate. So I'll also enjoy being married, yet still childless. Cheers to the blessings of life no matter what situation we're in! I'll be excited to be a mother whenever that time comes and I'll try to make sure I don't let myself go... too much. 

Please, putting on eye liner and mascara means I accomplished something.
How many kids do I have? that's right... none. 

Mr Smith turns 29 in a few days. I keep telling everyone, no, not 30... yet. 
So close dear, I can almost smell the senior discount. Now, how are we going to celebrate your 29th year of birth that no one ever cares about because it's not 30? I remember I made my birthday last a week and I tried two. Everything I wanted or did wrong was followed by "but it's my birthday." 

Welp, the typical-evening-summer lightening/thunder storm has made it to WS
I should probably turn off electronics. I'm pretty sure that one just touched down in my backyard.
But maybe I'll just watch 90210 S1E2.


*I don't want to downplay this event in my life, but I also don't want to talk too much about it. After a couple months of anxiety, unsurety, prayers, effort, connections, desires, tears, exhaust, and love from my one and only, I have been offered a position at B/E aerospace. I'm very excited for this new opportunity and hope that everything works out, but who am I kidding, it always does. I just get anxious about how it will work out. Thank you for your love and support!


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