I would just like to say . . . that I know what doesn't help a lot of southern people in their obesity issue . . .
No Bike Lanes, No Trails, And mostly No Sidewalks
On a 45 mph road mind you
I had a bike lane for .2 miles. I should just ride that up and down 50 times
Until someone feels sorry enough to make it go longer.
I mean maybe if we had chosen to live near the great lake or the National Park, but come on Winston-Salem.
Luckily, all but one car knew how to get over so as not to make me pee my pants.
I tried to stay away from the sharp turns
which luckily brought me to a big hill.
Like dog without water for seven days, I heaved up that hill.
Half of my hour meander was breezy downhill,
almost enough where I ducked as to not fly off my bike
Yes, I'm even complaining about the downhills.
It's dangerous when there are quick turns and stop signs on a downhill!
Luckily I found my way to a road I recognized and didn't die.
People were screaming out their car and I wasn't sure if it was
"Get off the road fat butt"
or "Oh hey sexy, nice view"
We all know what I'm going to assume!
And dogs chasing after me still freaks me out
I mean there is that chain length fence, but I'm just waiting for that day
when the dogs find a hole.
Any way, Mr Smith promised to help me find a path.
I'm so lost without him =)
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