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Addictions and Life

Sorry we are not in right now, we've been watching 24. 
It lingers right past addiction. 
I've never had a TV show stress me out more.

But we bought a Wii today, and the Smiths who didn't even want the Mario Brothers game that came with it, found a new addiction. Well, Mr Smith did. Today, I saw a different side of my husband. I've never seen him play a video game outside of a few around Christmas with the family. This was a different type of seriousness that wasn't serious at all. We are pretty bad, but luckily I make him look great.  Thank you parents for the Christmas/Birthday/Wedding gift. Any way, it'll be put to use. Hopefully mostly by my new workout. 

I might get depressed sitting at home without Mr Smith and without a job, sounds suicidal to me any way. so if I eat ice-cream and don't exercise, I'll feel like a big pile of crap. Mr Smith is all for not giving me excuses. 

Anything else we'd like to buy this month? This is what we get for not buying anything for awhile and letting the wish list build up for the big move - then you need/want everything. 

All the boxes are out and all the almost all of the pictures are hung. Some without pictures because I don't know who to trust with printing an 11X14, so the cardboard looks great hanging in the kitchen.  As soon as we get the couch and recliners I think it will finally feel like home.  I'm so done with having an air mattress as a couch. 

I made Mr Smith take a few portraits yesterday, not because we're creepy like that, but maybe we are. I scheduled a hair appointment on Tuesday at 1 PM, don't let me forget it. I may have an anxiety attack but I'm cutting it all off. I will most likely cry, but that's what I do to myself because change is growth, right? Or it can be if done right. Hair apparently is lower on the spectrum for end-of-the-world changes, but it's a start for the unemployed house-sitters. But yeah, I just wanted to make sure I had a picture to remember - the longest I've ever gone without a haircut. I'm actually really ready for it; I hate HATE blowdrying my hair and it turns out I never had the will or skill to do anything with it any way.

Kayla's self portrait - photo credit goes to Mr Smith
I wish I could remember all the quotes from the week. We really did have to cherish moving into a new town and having 2 weeks to enjoy nothing but 24/hour love. Mr Smith made me realize this would be one of the last few mornings we could have like this - just to linger longer. No job stress (mostly), no children stress, no church callings, no school. Nothing. I know - my life is so hard. But this is but a small moment. And shouldn't last long because then it would no longer be special, but mostly because we're meant to do things. (I still stress over not having things to stress about because I'm that cool).

Even though I want to be doing so many things I'm not, I do have to realize that there is a time and a place. I'm the worst with being patient, because I also understand I have to be the change. So any way, enjoying the times, yet creating and flexing with change is the balance of life. I suck at it, but hopefully I'll get better. 

Mr Baker (Mr Smith) is in the kitchen making chocolate chip cookies from the Betty Crocker book he said his mom used growing up.  I never use shortening because I've been brainwashed that it's the worst thing for you. Plus - I don't bake; my attempts struggle. However, Mr Smith insists two different kinds are required for his masterpiece. Just perfect. But it's cute.


  1. That picture of you is STUNNING, Kayla! Holy gorgeousness. I'm proud of you for being brave enough to chop it off. I have had the same haircut since I was literally sixteen... Maybe after this wedding business I'll join you in the short hair club. We know darned well how horridly hot DC summers are... Send me your new address when you get a chance, por favor!


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