I'm not sure when I thought it was okay to say "I'm going on a run." Probably because I just wanted to keep up with all the cool people I admire. More like "I'm going on a death jog - never - never - running"
Any way, I checked it off. What seemed like a nice, cool after-shower, quickly became 100% humidity and a heart attack. I really want to keep up some sort of regular increased heart rate exercise. I want to get a stronger heart almost as much as I want a hard butt. Running. Mr Smith's answer to most of my woes is running. Sigh. I admire him and his sexy butt. Oh yeah, he's going to love this post.
He is away helping Rachel & Reagan create a pocket door. I know he's excited to finally get his hands on his tools again, so I'm all for making use of them. I'd still love to see him and his tool belt. Yeah, I think I could easily pull up a chair with my lemonade orange-orange Vitamin water and stare at that shirt off and arm muscles hammering and lifting 2X4s. Oh honey-do . . .
why so serious?
Has anyone been to the post office and tried mailing a package recently? Madness. I can't believe how expensive it is to mail 1 lb. How about this, don't mail anything unless you have a lot of stuff you can pack into a flat rate. Otherwise, only shop free shipping online.
The bathroom and kitchen are clean. Now I need to push through 90% of those wedding photographs I've put off editing. We have exactly 2 weeks before we move. I have exactly 7 work days left. Eric has one paper due on Monday he'll write on Monday and he's finished with Grad school. Time flies. Okay, it actually hasn't really hit us yet because we've been anticipating this move so much, but I'm sure once it comes we'll be like oh-em-gee DC is in the past - crazy.
Just Mrs Smith waiting on Mr Smith and trying to act like she doesn't miss him. I won't text him, again. I'll just wait, because I don't need him. I'll tell myself I love this time alone. I do love that man, my man.
him and her portions.
Oh, it's also our 6 months today. My dad sent me this picture awhile back forgetting he had taken it. It made me smile because I remember walking in, sitting there, reading half of everything counting on Mr Smith to read everything. The best decision came the next day when we went to the temple. I wish I was less stressed out that day, but ya know, it's unlike me not to be. I'm just glad it happened and that 6 months later I love him more.
Oh, it's also our 6 months today. My dad sent me this picture awhile back forgetting he had taken it. It made me smile because I remember walking in, sitting there, reading half of everything counting on Mr Smith to read everything. The best decision came the next day when we went to the temple. I wish I was less stressed out that day, but ya know, it's unlike me not to be. I'm just glad it happened and that 6 months later I love him more.
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