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Run Forest Run

Like I promised, pictures from the marathon! It was a wonderful Saturday morning that began at 5 AM and lasted until oh I don't know . . . noon30. I drove with the victims to the RFK Stadium, housing the other 30,000 victims, and the games began exactly at 8 AM. After the porta potty stop (definitely not for me, I held it all 5 hours), the men stepped into their corral; our boys of course near the front.

It was a beautiful day. The fog that morning helped get everyone eager to run. It was a little nippy, but then the sun came out and was perfect for me, probably not the ones on the asphalt who had been running for the last 4 hours, but yeah, could have definitely been worse, right?

By some miracle I was able to find them each on the take off. One corral at a time, they scampered out. I actually felt the spirit and really wanted to put on my running shoes. I think it's contagious. But I definitely  only brought my flip flops. I'll plan on a half soon, when training isn't during the winter.

 Mr Smith - I don't care about the man with his shirt already off

 I only care about you
 and your creepy little head

 haha - I love him for caring about my picture
I just told him next time - stick to the left side

I meandered my way to the 14 mile point, or Union Station, where I met up with Naomi, Jenny & the girls. I waited till Kevin and Eric made their way through the second half and then headed back down to the Finish line. I ended up walking a lot more than I realized; oh yeah, I'm that cool. I can't say I even had time to read the book I brought.

 14 miles!

So yes, as we start to see the first of the marathoners beg for the will to finish the last .2 miles, we waited for Mr bandana and for well, the gray one to show up. I was really fascinated just to see the faces of the men and women who volunteered for this torture. Absolutely fascinating. It was most of the half marathoners that I saw and thought "Oh heck I could do this no problem," but I didn't even care to have that thought for the 26.2 milers.

I love Naomi trying to encourage Kevin at the end.

 Cheers to the fabulous marathon runners! I am so proud of Mr Smith who trained for a half marathon, but finished a full and didn't even leave a sign of effort on his face. When I saw him come around the corner I was so excited. And then I was like, have you even been running? Of course I kept that in my head and just cheered him on. I would have had the face of death with even the muscles in my face contorting to whatever direction they found necessary to punish my decision of self torture, but that's me. Eric is well, prepared to endure almost anything silently. I'm the one who shares everything with the world!

Naomi's sister and brother-in-law decided to fly in for some competition as well!
that was for me, Mrs Smith


  1. HA HA! I could have done without the "Biggest Loser" picture you put of me in there :) But that was Kevin's favorite shot! Go figure. He also thought it was pretty funny that you called him Mr. Bandana. Anyway, I just have to say, once again, I love the way you write and I really enjoyed your last few posts (pictures and words). You always make me laugh. Those Smiths are darn lucky to have you. You are the best!


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