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Take a Walk with Me

Mr Smith is out playing basketball tonight. Why don't girls play basketball? Because we have babies and can no longer keep up? Can't be true. What do non-baby married women who still need friends do? I need something to do that's indoors. Let me put on a yoga tape. Really, I'd rather bleed to death by paper cut... but really, anyone have any good yoga videos they recommend? I'll take anything at this point. I died on our bike ride in 19 degree weather. I came home with frozen fingers and frozen toes. And we just bought new gloves. Apparently not frozen weather proof.

So on to better things. I just finished off the chocolate covered raisins. I'm currently reading Fountainhead and we're currently reading Joseph's Smith biography by Lucy Smith. We made ham for the first time on Sunday and had Eric's cousin, Jenny, over so that we could share in our splendor, aka show off how awesome we are at putting a ham into a pan and inserting it into the oven. We even got a thermometer for this splendid occasion.  I'm pretty sure I still suck at guitar and Spanish so those two goals are on the back burner. We started a budget for the new year and that is overachieving itself. I do have a new photo gig this weekend and Eric might get paid for his residency. Apparently it costs $6 a day to park at the hospital so Eric has been moving his car every 2 hours on the road to try and avoid the parking garage fees. He just got a $30 ticket today so that's awesome. I guess some days it pays. 

And just for the record, I've never had to put down the lid to the toilet seat. I tell everyone marriage is really great even though it's such a cheesy line that no one really wants to hear. I recognize it when I say it so I most likely follow it with a sarcastic comment toning it down. We only have 2 months credit I realize, don't judge, we're out to make it to forever. But really I didn't feel well and my husband bought me orange juice that was 3.75 out of our budget for when I got home. Anytime I ask for the Chapstick he leans over to get it, and by anytime I mean every day. He lets me fog up the bathroom so that it's not freezing when I get out. He puts my towel closest to the shower. He checks the mail and does the math in my head for me. I heard on the radio that husbands who kiss their wives before they leave in the morning are wealthier. We're going to be so rich soon. He let's me steal the covers and waits till I roll over before he takes them back. 

Marriage rocks because there is nothing else that matters more than our relationship to God and to each other. I wish more people understood that. I wish I understood it better. I know I have this impatient tone, but he forgives me. I want to become better and I know he does too. It takes two and do you know how hard that is to match up?  I don't get it people, but there are some things in life the mind can't comprehend. It's above us, but I know it's designed of God. In the right place, at the right time, probably when we're most confused and unsure, surety walks in and takes you away. To a land of more unsurety, sure, but you're not walking it alone anymore, just because you have a little faith and try and be a good person, following the truth that you have set before you.

I have heard of so many situations that we cannot dare count the ways that a human can take a walk through this life. The only thing that is consistent is how we got here and how we can get back. I'm not sure how you nor I will grow in this blazing sure fire of mass chaos, but we are never left without a hand to help lift us higher and bring us back to truth. Christ said he would pay the rest, fill in the gaps. I don't feel like I deserve it, but I want to give him my best attempts.  And for Mr Smith, well, he just might be holding my other hand.


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