I thought about something today. I think you should change to Progressive so you can get the brake monitor too. I learn from the best.
Your daughter
I didn't get any points this evening. Too bad I got 5 on the way to work this morning. Too bad I woke up at 8:27 AM, which is when I typically leave. Good thing I have a husband that rolls over and rubs my arm. Too bad I checked the clock and go into a panic. Too bad I took the last of the toilet paper. Too bad I didn't tell Eric (not on purpose). Good thing I still made it to work 5 minutes early. Good thing I have clothes on and didn't forget my sanity. Oh wait. I was in a stick-up-my-butt mood ALL FREAKIN DAY. So here's to no patience! My friend, lets settle in with spagetti for dinner. Because it looks like our budget doesn't allow for much else. Hey ohh!
What a good life.
What a good life.
Oh, and thanks to the Westers {who got us a butt load of chocolates and a movie for two} I also ate candy for dinner! I was also surprised by two packages at the door. Not one but two! Disregarding one my work got me, a note was attached to the second gift along with a gift card:
From: Mom
To: (We won't call anyone out)
Happy Birthday!
Regifting? Dementia coming early? We'll take it!
Awww, a husband that helps you wake up...how cute!! "Husband", can you believe that word applies to you now?! Husband, husband yay!! Oh, and I ALWAYS take the last of the toilet paper...even worse now that I pee every two seconds. Lol! My HUSBAND makes fun of me all the time.