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Showing posts from January, 2012

Post Christmas

I forgot to mention how I probably didn't but should have gained 10 lbs in one month. This is what we brought home from Utah. And guess what. None of it is left. Yep, I married Mr Smith Oh, the snickers are in my bike bag. We do have those Oh, we might get diabetes Oh, I'm pretty sure Mr Smith will be bribing our children Oh, I still can't buy candy at the grocery store But I watch. I watch it happen Oh and that big bag of m&ms never even made it back to VA Most of this is thanks to the Westers =)

by Rachel Johnson

I know she hates me because I've been so behind on posting the bridal photos that I liked. To be honest, I hate being the model, but we all like to see what we look like from time to time. Fair warning. ew this post is so conceded. run away!

My Life is Average

It's really embarrassing to have those pictures of me, so I need to post something else. Since my life is average and boring to the outside, I know you'll be interested if I tell you about my day. The alarm probably goes off twice, 10 minute intervals (oh yes I'm going back this far). Then Mr Smith's alarm goes off a few more times outside of that and is the most obnoxious noise you'll ever hear, outside of the one time our neighbor's alarm clock wouldn't shut off up above us. Apparently he got in the shower and forgot about it. I hated him and made Mr Smith turn on the fan so I could get my last half hour of sleep. Any way, back to today, we both struggle to get on our feet and always toy with the idea of going in late. Okay, Mr Smith can do that, I toy with the idea of never going in . . . ever again. But alas we do. We get up, he walks to the bus stop. I get in my car and slam on breaks every other mile. Work is work and after I whine a little and ha...


Mr Smith won't ever play with me and the Mac Photobooth. I don't get it.

More Politics & Religion

With all this talk going on about Mormons in the media, I think for every false defamation that is thrown out there, we would like to copy a bit of truth that hopefully someone isn't afraid to read and understand. My dad shared this article and I would like to post it. It helps put things in perspective and debunk a lot of the false assumptions people like to have heyday with whether it be among a hard hearted Christian sect or modern America who don't find religion necessary anymore. As Mr Smith puts it, it's not 100% correct, but it's better than most. Getting closer to truth: a blog post on the


Okay okay, so the results are in. Eric got a $50 refund from Progressive for getting the Snapshot discount. While he has a 2 hard brake average for every 50 miles, I have a 30 hard brake average for every 60 miles. Every other mile I like to slow down, a lot. Big woop. (Secretly, so proud of Eric for saving us $50!!) - but please I already only pay $20 a month for myself cause let's just take a gander and say my 99 Nissan ain't worth a whole lot if I cause an accident. I am still a good driver with a clean record. The end.

Mr Smith goes to Washington to find Mrs Smith

Mr Smith made me waffles this morning. I think it was supposed to be me while he was in the shower - that way breakfast would be JIT, but it wasn't. I got sucked into my blog and posting new photos from this weekend's photoshoot . Then he got ready and made breakfast and before you know it I'm at the table shoving down chocolate chip and regular crispy waffles. Then I feel lazy and as I get out of the shower I see that he's cleaning the apartment.  How-did-I-get-so-lucky-and-lazy Oh wait, the latter part was always in existence. I love a man who knows how to do things. I feel like I am a wonderful audience eating kale chips instead of popcorn (because our microwave sucks and burns the popcorn) I guess I'll clean the bathroom. He hasn't come out directly to say he hates it, but I've gathered it by observation.  UPDATE on our weekend: Eric played in the ward's first basketball game. Not the best team, but I was entertained....

Think Smart. Be Smart.

Also, I kinda hate how people assume because I'm Mormon, that I'll vote for Romney. . . I'll vote for Romney if I like Romney's current views and think he's the best candidate for presidency. Okay, thank you. I also hate how people just assume something without doing their own research. There is so much trash out there it just kinda makes me cringe. Okay, thank you.  Vote Smart. P.S. More people should worry about their moral plate.   For the last days , I'm not sure one man can be charged as your biggest enemy. It's probably yourself. But this video made me laugh tonight the former governor is my kind of guy . they attacked him, but he kept up.

Take a Walk with Me

Mr Smith is out playing basketball tonight. Why don't girls play basketball? Because we have babies and can no longer keep up? Can't be true. What do non-baby married women who still need friends do? I need something to do that's indoors. Let me put on a yoga tape. Really, I'd rather bleed to death by paper cut... but really, anyone have any good yoga videos they recommend? I'll take anything at this point. I died on our bike ride in 19 degree weather. I came home with frozen fingers and frozen toes. And we just bought new gloves. Apparently not frozen weather proof. So on to better things. I just finished off the chocolate covered raisins. I'm currently reading Fountainhead and we're currently reading Joseph's Smith biography by Lucy Smith. We made ham for the first time on Sunday and had Eric's cousin, Jenny, over so that we could share in our splendor, aka show off how awesome we are at putting a ham into a pan and inserting it into the oven....

Dear Parents

I thought about something today. I think you should change to Progressive so you can get the brake monitor too. I learn from the best.  Love,  Your daughter I didn't get any points this evening. Too bad I got 5 on the way to work this morning. Too bad I woke up at 8:27 AM, which is when I typically leave. Good thing I have a husband that rolls over and rubs my arm. Too bad I checked the clock and go into a panic. Too bad I took the last of the toilet paper. Too bad I didn't tell Eric (not on purpose). Good thing I still made it to work 5 minutes early. Good thing I have clothes on and didn't forget my sanity. Oh wait. I was in a stick-up-my-butt mood ALL FREAKIN DAY. So here's to no patience! My friend, lets settle in with spagetti for dinner. Because it looks like our budget doesn't allow for much else. Hey ohh! What a good life.  Oh, and thanks to the Westers {who got us a butt load of chocolates and a movie for two} I also ate candy for dinner! ...


I didn't even know how to spell that word. Ugh - these screen shots speak for themselves. Basically we signed up to receive the car monitors for our Progressive insurance. They swore it couldn't hurt us, only help get us a discount later on, so why not? I KNOW WHY - because then your husband has proof that you're a bad driver. Now, before you get to thinking too much, I have a job I have to be at before 9am. Mr Smith does not. I have to fight morning and evening DC traffic which is higher risk. That's about all I got for excuses. I also have been told by Mr Smith that I have the tendency to tailgate. This girl has somewhere to be! So apparently the "hard brake" points come if you brake 7mph in a second. Bah - for once in your life you don't want points!! Mr Smith did kindly point out that it looks like I'm improving . . . I didn't get approved. We have a week-ish to find out if Eric was approved for a discount. Happy New Year! I'll be...

Another wedding

This time, we got to rid the stress and enjoyed a wedding from the side lines. Eric's sister, Laura, married Danny Clark on Wednesday, Dec 28th, so that means Christmas break was in Utah. It was a wonderful ceremony in the largest sealing room at the Draper temple.  I took lots of reception photos which I will upload on the photo site whenever I get time, but for  now, here are some candids I took from that morning. It was FREEZING and you know how well I handle that. Mr Smith was so nice to run and get my camera though, hold my stuff, and try and block the wind =) Love him! It was so nice to think about the covenants we made only 2 months ago and hear the encouraging words of advice to always be true and supportive. Families are forever and that is no better instilled then when you go to the temple. Gathering for photos in the freezing wind... The Clark family in front of the Draper temple entrance The grandparents! I guess I distracted them from the r...