Is not a place for lovers - haters! Let's just make it known I've only lived here for 30 days if the cops ask, but there's a reason why I put off becoming a resident, and more than just because I knew my name was going to change and heaven knows you don't go to the DMV more than you have to. $140 was what they told us it would cost for the safety inspection to pass. $9 later + a little bit of Mr Smith labor = we passed. What it was? The headlights needed to be cleaned for optimal luminescence. I freak out at car places. I just immediately feel dirty and a little eye-raped. All of a sudden an adult is proclaimed to be a small child due to gender reasons (and of course I start acting like one). No way is $140 for some dirty lights okay. What would I normally do? Call dad to make sure I feel justified. And so we actually did. But here's how I also handled it "can you talk to my husband?" done and done.
Now I can't wait for the DMV. New license, registration, title, car insurance, bank account . . . & then where-should-we-spend-our-money type decisions. Oh the joys of being married. I know they say surprises come, but we will plan the best we can. And yes mom, that includes birth control.
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