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Showing posts from October, 2014

More October

I forgot to blog the photos from our afternoon at the park with Savvy and her family. We got some good photos with the fall leaves. You can tell they are much more fashion forward than we are. hipsters vs the gray team. It is nice being closer to family, although arguably living under the same roof for a month is a little too close. Rand & Savvy have been busy trying to close on a home along with doing well in school. Laura & Danny have been busy updating the home they recently purchased; they are both in school too and Danny still works full-time along with it all. Mr Smith has been helping them as well as trying to sort through the UT network. It's always about who you know; he has so much to offer. And I am still trying to figure out what else I can do than just patiently wait. Especially since I suck at being patient. I actually have an interview for a small part-time thing, which is exciting. The gang also met up at the pumpkin patch for some pict...

What Man Is A Preacher? What Makes A Sermon?

The First Presidency and the 12 Apostles, among other church leaders, speak from the pulpit twice a year at a General Conference of the Church.  You can listen to the latest one here .  {For the first time in mrsmithandi history, Mr Smith has written the majority of this post} P r o p h e t s  &  A p o s t l e s Amos 3:7  "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets."  We believe our Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is not possible to have Faith in a Being that is ever-changing. Since the days of Adam and Eve - and continued until today - God has followed the same pattern of revealing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to righteous men/special witnesses (prophets), and given them the authority to act in his name. This authority is priesthood authority and it comes directly from God to the prophets and from the prophets to the people.  Ordination to th...

His Answer is You

<She always has a clip that keeps her hair back that she takes out right before the pictures> The trees are a perfect backdrop. We went out during the afternoon to see some color up the canyon. It's weird being back on these roads. In a lot of ways I feel like I went back in time 5 years, but now I'm married with a child. So I'm that old lady thinking she is still young and wild. I walked on campus wondering if I could still fit in there, but just thinking about being back in school gives me anxiety. I can definitely admit that my time has passed. Lots of memories around this town, and I guess it's time to make new ones with my family. At least for a little bit. Only a little bit, right Mr Smith? I had a semi-emotional day when Mr Smith and I were at odds about my snappy attitude & I was at odds with my situation, when I later realized I left my battery & charger in the BYU library the night before just as I was rushing across town to take some ...

It's Hard

It's hard. I'm never one to sugar coat anything.  Alas, most everyone knows this about me and some wish I would just a little, but I can't. I don't deceive. I blogged about "fake" people many-a-times in my single days. I've never had the energy to hide what I'm feeling. And sometimes that's a personality con, but at least people know they can count on an honest and straight-forward answer from me and you can tell it's refreshing to some. Sometimes I'm silent, and that's me trying to be nice. Along with being a little frank, I don't judge people with absolute stamps like Mr Smith does. I have my opinion, but I know it's just that. I don't expect people to hop in my boat and I'm never offended when they don't. I'm just me - willing to admit when I don't know things and willing to call you out when you've gone overboard. And I expect to be friends with you, whoever you are. Obviously the goal is to be a...

We Have Arrived

I'm becoming much the slacker these days even though I've never had so much free time in my entire life.  Funny how that works? Good news is, I've decided to waste your time today to give a little "we are still alive if breathing counts" post. So ta-da, we made it to Provo! Almost like a magic trick except for the fact that ~42 hours in a car with a toddler involved no magic. That's a lie. We made it  a l i v e. Magic. Lexi was pretty good. Maybe one combined full hour of the ~42 involved tears of duress.  My car made it. I somehow drove for about 8 hours in a day before I could no longer feel my bottom or toes. For someone who HATES driving these days, I thought it was a blessed miracle. I didn't even have to eat all the snacks. I think stopping in  Dallas for a couple days helped us recoup. We got to see/meet these lovely ladies... Mr Smith made it through Atlanta traffic with the truck & trailer, and bless his heart, we s...