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Showing posts from September, 2013

My Life in Words

A few from my pinterest board "my life in words" enjoy, feel inspired, or whatever . So because I'm a stay at home mom who can view pinterest at all times of the day, I feel obligated to become a CRAFT MONSTER. Named after what my crafts will most likely look like after I'm done. And no, it's not convenient that it's Halloween season. So I have a list of... motherly crafts I should start (pulling out my crinkled, wet post-it note that Lexi loved on): 1. cheese cloth wraps (for newborn shoots) 2. PJ pants (so they can be as long as I want) 3. curtains (so the neighbors can't see me naked in the kitchen) 4. Clemson skirt & bow for Lexi. Let's add BYU to this one too 5. A skirt for me (because why not) 6. 11X14 frame (already have the picture - mod podge on wood) 7. Boxspring upholstery (like burlap or something neutral) 8. A secret Christmas gift (that isn't Christmas-y) 9. Quietbook (church the...


Naps have gone so well today I almost feel like I deserve an awesome parent award. {Like a back scratch}  I'm also on page 111 of my blog book. We FINALLY got to the part where Mr Smith & I met. Well, we're dating at least. I never recorded in my blog the times we first met. How foolish I was to think they weren't going to be significant! I had no idea what was right around the corner. I don't want to even begin with putting this blog to book. I write WAY too much. And to think some thoughts I actually keep to myself! Otherwise you might think I'm a horrible person, which there was this one time . . . I might have been. referring to  here & here (right at the end)  remember those moments!?!? sigh. single life drama. but discontinuing the past for a second...(a better perspective) I wanted to share parts of this article from Pres Monson in 2012.  It was inspiring & I hope I remember these truths every day of my life: ...

How do I save Instagram photos?

I ordered a glider. THE glider. It's Grey & White so it matches perfectly & didn't take me gnawing off my leg to pay for it. (not saying people would actually pay for legs, just my legs ;) And who said money can't buy happiness? Okay, maybe not happiness, but a little bit of excitement. Mr Smith wanted our recliner back in the living room so I've been nursing on the floor. Because yes, I still have to nurse before 7 AM, sigh. A mother who feeds her child - send her to the gallows! (for all those who think there is nothing wrong with feeding a babe of 5 months before 7 AM, there is. My child is not consistent and obviously I fail at sleep training) I'm not depressed about it (people should stop assuming I'm depressed when I whine. I don't want to have to stop whining). I just can't wait to get my sleep back mostly because lack of sleep makes you emotionally unstable. BUT even if she did sleep until 7 AM (so help us she did once), my boobs still s...

OH what a night

Forget about apologizing for being a whiner I CAN WHINE ALL THE FREAK I WANT I HAD/HAVE SHINGLES. And life has sucked this last week. Mrs Kayla Smith visited the ED tonight. My weight is 134 (when the crap did that happen!?!?!?), my blood pressure 108/72, temperature 99 turned 98.1... all my vitals were great BUT THEN THERE IS THAT NASTY SCAB/RED BUMP covering a portion of my face. "What are you here for?" - "um...JUST LOOK AT ME." I went to urgent care first, but they were just an extended hour PA office & they referred me to the ER. They even gave me a refund so that was nice. $25 turned $100. She said they couldn't do the eye exam. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THAT EYE EXAM. because they won't, until they poke the bottom of your eye & numb it. *grabbing nurses arm & moving head to the side* "Um...what are you doing" *don't worry I'm just putting a drop in" "Oh and by the way it will pinch & sting a little th...

Human Frailty

Update: Apparently spiders only bite once at a time and I don't even think mosquitos are cut out for this hot mess of a face. So we're thinking I had an allergic reaction to life or maybe a dogwood tree. Who the freak knows but it kind of scares me that I don't. Honestly, I'm probably just being punished for my impatience, vain desires or my ability to waste time. I don't know if I'm learning my lesson if that's the case. I am whining my socks off. And then I took two Benadryl pills before church; needless to say I used Lexi as an excuse to go rock myself to sleep in the mother's lounge. Then I texted Eric to take me home. I was not prepared to make it through Sunday School. My sweetheart of a man dropped me off & went back to church with Lexi so that I could get some sleep. Well, I at least stayed in bed with my eyes closed. You want to know what the worst feeling is? Feeling like something is crawling in my hair. I'm pretty sure something isn...

I Need Medication

Spider(s) bit my face multiple times. I have a huge swollen spot over my left eye & then two spots that travel up from that area. Several on my forehead & I'm pretty sure it travels into my scalp. And I really wanted to say hell because it's causing me a lot of frustration. I never realized how much I should have appreciated not having bites on my face & scalp. Who knew they would give me headaches & keep me up at night. I know sometimes I think I'm invincible but it only takes a family of spiders to bring me back down to my humble, inadequate state. I'm guessing it's spiders, it's more frustrating not knowing the culprit. I can't really see bite marks, but this is no mosquito, unless it is. It's just painful & then itchy. Normally it's just itchy. So WebMD says I'm dying, like it always does. I should have prayed harder & been more dedicated to my scripture study. I don't think I can afford to ...

Filling Time

People often ask me what I do to fill my time. I guess they are hoping I am productive and that has been my goal for awhile, to feel like a productive, serving member of society. So out of the 15 hours during the day that I'm awake, 13 of them is making sure Lexi is growing into the person God wants her to be.  The other 2 hours are from 8-10PM which is lover time (which usually consists of last minute chores or dessert & Netflix) Of the 13 hours, 5 of them are nap times. Sometimes if Lexi keeps me up at night, I take the morning nap with her (1.5ish hours). The other nap hours I try to edit photos, blog, clean, shower, eat, personal projects, etc... When she is awake, I think that gives us 8 hours, we play, take a stroll, cook food, run to the grocery store or hobby lobby or walmart or target/babiesrus because they are next door & that's awesome when you have children. It's not easy getting in & out of the car multiple times + nap time always comes quicker th...


I know it has been awhile, but truth be told, you haven't missed much. except for this... I have a heafty 4 month old. I was thinking she would be 15 lbs, but she exceeded my expectations as well. what a champ. but alas, this just makes me sad because the doc says with her size, she should be sleeping through the night now. Sadly, she still feeds twice before I tell the world I'm awake. And some nights, like last, she wakes up more than just twice. It makes me a mad woman, just ask Mr Smith. I need my sleep back. My dear friend, Rachel, gave me ear plugs for tonight. hollerrrrr #iwonthear. It seems that some weeks I'm fine, but then all of a sudden, I've had enough & don't care if she cries. It's tough. Mr Smith won't let me leave the light on in the study because I typically don't have an appropriate shirt on & he thinks the blinds in this room are see through. I told him I don't care (I don't believe him for one) but he won...