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Showing posts from February, 2013


Mr Smith didn't really appreciate my last post title that had the word boob in it. Certiainly no one can hate on bedtime, which it's 9 o'clock, so here I fizzle out. Truth be told, I fizzled out about 8 hours ago.  But I cooked dinner, started the dishwasher, unloaded the dishwasher, started a load of whites, folded that load, cooked the ham to have for tomorrow, sliced that darn ham & put together lunches - that never happens all in one evening. I mean sometimes I'll get this spurt of energy, but I only ever get so far. It's all because I know Mr Smith didn't think I'd actually do it. I know he doesn't expect it, but part of me is stubborn and wants to prove how awesome I am, and part of me does it to show my love. It's rare (not my love) but my ability to care enough to see something completely through.  Any way, gold star for me tonight. I'm going to bed. Work always comes too soon. And it has been rainy and cold here. Where t...

Cake & Boobs

Because then I would have an explanation for gaining 10 lbs. Well, I mean, the baby helps. The college years . . .  When I got married . . . BAM this is what marriage does. If only I could convey this to my new sister-in-law . . . Be ready. (you'll never be. the scale will amaze you every time) So, just for the sake of documentation purposes. From weeks 28 - 31  I gained 10 lbs. There - it's out. I said it. 8 more weeks and I might be breakin floors . Mr Smith has definitely taken on the selfless role during this pregnancy, because he has a choice to be selfless. He listens to me whine or hugs me when I go from perfectly normal to tears in 2 seconds. He makes sure my water bottle is filled, takes on the dishes & laundry. He makes sure I have enough covers at night (even though I steal his & then kick them all off) He cooks me what he can and encourages me to do all things that make me happy, including eating.  ...

Going back in time . . .

Alright, so we just got a few pictures that the venue randomly took of our wedding back 1.4 years ago. No real reason to be nostalgic outside of the fact that I secretly love thinking back to that day. eat.that.cheese.          

some women love being pregnant

I've decided I will just endure it. I love feeling . . . uncomfortable, slightly sick, LAZY or just not normal and unsure if it's pregnancy induced or if I would still have said symptoms if I wasn't pregnant. But right now everything is blamed on baby.  Although if I ate salad & a baked sandwich instead of a burrito, I'd probably feel a little better. Sleep would also do wonders. Vacations are never restful if it involves an airport & economy class.  Is anyone else like me and just loves coming home to their own bed & toilet? But I love my brother and wanted to be there on his wedding day. Rand & Savannah are beautiful. I left them a card with lots of marriage advice since I'm so expert now - 1.4 years, don't hate. I just don't know what I would have done if Mr Smith didn't go with me. He saves me every day. Needless to say, we won't be flying for awhile. In fact, I'd like to just stay put. (although we both get ...

Randikins got married!

Rand & Savannah got hitched! Huntington Beach, CA vacation and this is the picture throw-up... I was tired most of the time, but I managed to take some pictures and even get some of my preggo 31 week belly. It was a wonderful trip, but we are done flying for a long, long time! Cheers to the addition to the Looper family! (and bless her) #eternalmarriage