I did the Instagram Series. But the Chatbook Series is coming soon and looks perfect for grandma or non-Instagram pictures. It's an app that automatically takes photos and puts them in a cute little book for $6, free shipping. If you want an extra copy of that book, just pay $3 for shipping. They printed out great. I've started a collection of 4 books to begin (that's probably removing half of what I've posted to Instagram which is scary). You can remove pictures you don't want included and they ship for free for each new book purchase. 6X6 book; 60 photos each book, you can choose which picture goes on the cover, each page has a picture and you can choose to edit or remove the date, location & captions. The outside spine lists the dates from the first picture to the last. Just splendid! But these are great to keep on a shelf while the kids are young and some as coffee table items when the kids can't ruin them (or if you make one specific for the ki...
It's really just beginning: Sometimes, even as ordinary as it seems, I need to share it. To get it all out there. It drives Mr Smith nuts that I share my life. But I do. And this is it. We aren't perfect, but I love Mr Smith and this blog is dedicated to our life together. It's so I can remember. It's so our children may know."