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Showing posts from June, 2013


I'm letting her sleep on me instead of making dinner. I'm sitting here starving. we also don't have a lot to eat. Don't worry there is always ramen, but it's 90 degrees outside. I'm trying not to go to the grocery store because it's a pain when you have to carry them up 3 flights  - plus - we move Saturday morning. Yep, the time has finally come . A little bittersweet for me but even if it's just one step and not the finish line, I'd rather be moving forward. More details to come. The future is a little blurred, but I guess life can't be too perfect for this Smith clan.  I like to have everything at once. I like to know all the blanks. I want all the holes filled. I second guess & hate giving up the obvious for the uncertain. Patience is hard for me. Faith in God assisting us in our own decisions is hard for me. Believing in things out of my control is hard for me. Good word, who would have thought I wanted to come to this earth. Reality...

Mother of the Year

A friend sent me a message saying she lost the Mother of the Year Award at bedtime tonight and asked how motherhood was going for me. I just laughed. I told her awards are vain & no one ever got the most patient award. It surprised me how much patience is needed with motherhood, and I just have a little innocent 7 week old. I can't imagine the toddler years and so on. But we must laugh because you can only cry so much. I haven't had to cry for awhile now, which is great. I am lucky & outside of being a little needy or grumpy before bedtime, I have a wonderful 7 week old who makes motherhood a blessing. I'm slowly accepting that it's okay to chill at home with her whether or not we run errands or visit with others during the day; I don't have to be conquering the world. Sure, waking up in the middle of the night still sucks, but it's amazing what you just "do" because well, someone else depends on you. But here are some of my notes on mo...


I have a Heavenly Father who knows me better than I know myself. He created my spirit. He is perfect. & Christ is the father of this beautiful earth, including man. I'm grateful for His creations. He is the perfect example. I was born into the home of goodly parents. I have an earthly father who would do anything for me. I don't say that in a spoiled way. I say that with the utmost respect. It's nice knowing you can count on someone. I have a father-in-law who helped shape the amazing man I married. And that amazing man I married is now a father himself.  I love Fathers. I spoke in church today on the conference talk "For Peace at Home" by Elder Scott see talk here I loved this talk because it was centered on Christ. "One of the greatest blessings we can offer to the world is the power of a Christ-centered home where the gospel is taught, covenants are kept, and love abounds." I testify that I know the Atone...

Victory Is Mine

I hate to sound so vain and completely full of myself but at my six week checkup, I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Give or take not knowing exactly where I started because I don't want to own a scale. I hate to say it (not really) but I've only been nursing & walking up the three flights of our apartment building a couple times a day. (I guess I did lose my pregnant appetite). So I'm kind of back in my old clothes. I still can't wear dresses cause of nursing and my "abs" from before are extra missing but hopefully things slowly tone up (because right now it's extra fluffy). It's nice how the skin just hangs. The stretch marks of sacrifice and love. Love marks. That's what I'll say when the kids ask. And no I didn't really mean "kids". My OB encouraged the prenatal for nursing and in case I got pregnant again. I just gave her "the look of death" and she laughed. I'm not strong enough to hit the repeat ...

I get to kiss that face every day

Along with raising Alexis, I've been turning this blog & my previous blog into books so I've been neglecting current posts for the time being. But I'm trying to make up for it . . . Me: Her lips are purple! And not the scary I'm not breathing purple, popsicle purple! Eric: She likes it! Me: And now it's on the burp rag. For the record, she has licked a purple popsicle, licked mint oreo milkshake, licked strawberry yogurt & experienced a squirt of oj. she is 5 weeks old . I guess she is tough & is still willing to eat my less sugary milk. She did like it, no doubt Mr Smith , but it doesn't mean it's right! I have a feeling I will be battling this battle for a long time . . . Sometimes I run to bed at 10:00 PM (or whenever we're able to put Lexi down) because that's an extra minute of sleep & goodness I love any extra minutes in my  our bed.  I really need her to love falling asleep in her bassinet again. Any who, ...